Making of Red Bugatti - part01-02 - circa2011
" I’ve been planning to model a Bugatti for a long time ago.
The time arrived last month when I stayed 3 full weeks
without a free lance work.
I began to collect as many as photos references I could in the internet
and the 4 ortho visions to help me model it.
I’ve used 3DMax 2012 to do the job.
Max is a software that I’ve been using since it’s 3.0 version.
I used the plane modeling method. I created a plane and using the edges
and vertex points tools I modified this plane
to obbey the lines of the original’s car design.
The curved lines body of this car are nice and trick at the same time.
They need to be carefull constructed otherwise they will show some
inaccurancies when rendered and lit.
The new Graphite Modeling tools
introduced in Max10 helped me a lot, with edge flow and flow connect items."